Kara's personal thoughts

Random garbage how I feel

My Photo
Location: Oregon City, Oregon, United States

I am me, and I am very random at times but very smart in a weird sort of way. My only problem is I can't spell very well. Spell check is my best friend.

Friday, September 30, 2005

My Husband

I will post pictures of my kids tomorrow. I love my hubby too isn't he a doll


Well here it is friday and i want to be home in bed sleeping because of this stupid cold/flu. I do not look forward to this weekends happenings. I have to be up early Saturday for soccer and I want to sleep in!!! I also have baseball (weather permitting) on Sunday all day. I want a relaxing weekend and just can't get it. I need to clean house on Saturday as well with the kids so that will be entertaining. The pain in my leg/foot went away so I am most excited about that. I got bills paid and have 200 bucks left over I am so shocked. Hubby is off work at 6 tonight and I think I will tell him I want to veg out at home tonight with no plans. I know the kids want to got out to eat tonight but I am truly not in the mood. I hope next week is better. I lost 3 pounds I am happy about that.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bush Sucks

All my opinion but he is a loser. IMPEACH HIM

My first blog

I am just writing some random BS because I wanted to start this off.
Today I feel blue because I can't stop the pain in my body.
Hard to explain sometimes but I feel as if I am stupid and I get called stupid a lot . It really hurts my feelings because I don't know how to spell nor do I ever take the time to see if I am correct. I feel said because after this miscarriage I gained lots of weight and it bothers me. I have this pain in my foot that won't go away and it is causing me to be sad as well. I am tired of feeling sick all the time and I want to quit smoking because I know that is the root cause of most of it. I am going to be 31 in a few weeks and I feel older but act like a 12 year old sometimes. What is wrong with me? Do I need to seek help for all my problems? I am a walking weirdo. I love my husband and kids with all my heart, but I want a better life for all of us and don't know how to do it. I hate working so early every morning. I don't make a lot of money either and I refuse to go back to school and refuse to get my liscence for massage because I am so stupid I have forgotten everything I learned. I can't keep my mind foccused ever!! I want to do all these things and have no willpower to do them.
1. Quit Smoking
2. Lose weight
3. Excersise
4. Make more money
5. Spend more time with kids.