Kara's personal thoughts

Random garbage how I feel

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Location: Oregon City, Oregon, United States

I am me, and I am very random at times but very smart in a weird sort of way. My only problem is I can't spell very well. Spell check is my best friend.

Friday, September 30, 2005


Well here it is friday and i want to be home in bed sleeping because of this stupid cold/flu. I do not look forward to this weekends happenings. I have to be up early Saturday for soccer and I want to sleep in!!! I also have baseball (weather permitting) on Sunday all day. I want a relaxing weekend and just can't get it. I need to clean house on Saturday as well with the kids so that will be entertaining. The pain in my leg/foot went away so I am most excited about that. I got bills paid and have 200 bucks left over I am so shocked. Hubby is off work at 6 tonight and I think I will tell him I want to veg out at home tonight with no plans. I know the kids want to got out to eat tonight but I am truly not in the mood. I hope next week is better. I lost 3 pounds I am happy about that.


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