Kara's personal thoughts

Random garbage how I feel

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Location: Oregon City, Oregon, United States

I am me, and I am very random at times but very smart in a weird sort of way. My only problem is I can't spell very well. Spell check is my best friend.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Just Thursday

I was told by another blogger to post a recipe on here but I feel no one even looks at this so what is the point?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hump DAY!

I am so glad it is the middle of the week. I have had a very very very long week already. I just run myself ragged.
I know it sounds like I complain a bit but I just like to say how I feel! I am pisses my husband is home sleeping on his day off instead of getting things taken care of. It annoys me a lot. My son also has a soccer game tonight and my daughter has a girl scout meeting, so I have to be in 2 places at once. Ok I had a flu shot on monday and I am feeling like I am getting a cold so that is not good especially when I had the flu last week. I just want to be healthy for a week!!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Do you know the way to San Jose?

I remember when my mother moved to San Jose like 9 years ago and I was depressed for a while about that. She is now back in Portland and I think she is glad she moved back here. I missed her when she lived in San Jose and I hated going there to visit her because people in California ( not all ) can be really rude. I was thinking about this the other day because I used to date a guy that lived there and he fucked me over bad. I know most all guys I dated fucked me over bad but I think he did pretty bad considering I was rebounding! I used to play yahoo dominos all night with this guy and some other people as well and then one day I flew down to hang in person with him, but he lived in San Jose so I had my mom if he was weird. Turned out he was awesome at first, then he turned asshole at the end. Oh well I am happy and married now, just wanted to share that little story because we were talking about San Jose. I love Oregon and I am proud to be from here. My husband is from Racine, Wisconsin but he has lived all over the world. He lived in Germany for 4 years, England for 1 year, and he has been all over Europe and I have been no where off the states.
ok got to go.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Today is MONDAY

I guess today I feel ok just have a slight cold coming on! My depression hit a low on Saturday night and I didn't even realize it until my husband said I am losin it. I think I had a reality check then! I feel a lot better today and I guess most crap I feel might be in my head! My son had soccer and won on saturday. My daughter was just hanging out with me all weekend what a sweety.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sunday Blues

I got the Sunday Blues!
I have to go back to work tomorrow and it is sad! I am sick of my job and wish I could get a better one. Tried to win the lottery last night and of course NOTHING.
I am going to make this great recipe from my Mother in law. My husband used to love this as a child so today I am making it. Also making pork roast, potatoes, and corn on the cobb. My grandparents are coming over and my mom will be here at 6 pm. Nice for a crappy Sunday. So I am going to attempt this now.
Here is the link for this great recipe. check it out. http://www.recipesbycindy.homestead.com/Bienenstich.html