Kara's personal thoughts

Random garbage how I feel

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Location: Oregon City, Oregon, United States

I am me, and I am very random at times but very smart in a weird sort of way. My only problem is I can't spell very well. Spell check is my best friend.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Hump DAY!

I am so glad it is the middle of the week. I have had a very very very long week already. I just run myself ragged.
I know it sounds like I complain a bit but I just like to say how I feel! I am pisses my husband is home sleeping on his day off instead of getting things taken care of. It annoys me a lot. My son also has a soccer game tonight and my daughter has a girl scout meeting, so I have to be in 2 places at once. Ok I had a flu shot on monday and I am feeling like I am getting a cold so that is not good especially when I had the flu last week. I just want to be healthy for a week!!!!


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