Kara's personal thoughts

Random garbage how I feel

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Location: Oregon City, Oregon, United States

I am me, and I am very random at times but very smart in a weird sort of way. My only problem is I can't spell very well. Spell check is my best friend.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Weekend update

Friday starts the kick off for this weekend and here is what happened.
Well first of all I was invited to my friends house in Oregon City for dinner and to hang out (jello shots)
Before I was heading over to get my kids from my grandmas (she watches them until I get off work) I get a phone call from my son's father in Vancouver saying he has Mattio (son's brother) for the weekend and wanted to take my son also for birthday happenings. Well this came to a huge shock to me of course because he never wants to take my son and I can't be a bitch and say no or my son my hate me later for it. So we had to drive all the way to Oregon City get my son drop my daughter off at my friends house drive out to Vancouver with his biological father and then back to Oregon City. Was very weird seeing him and my husband met him and said he was an OK guy. Maybe he finally has grown up!
Anyway so back at Monicas house for dinner and jello shooters! Was a good time we got buzzed and then my husband pulled out some Pot and the 2 of them smoked a joint and I believe I got a contact high from them... I felt a little weird. I do not like pot so let us make that clear right now! I talked my husband into calling in sick on Saturday and we spent the whole day together and I went shopping with my daughter to get shoes for the Lion King on Sunday! Then Saturday night we went back to Monicas for a candle party and then we were going to go out after and celebrate my birthday because Tuesday sucks =)
Anyway Monica had some friends go with us ( Tiffany and Adam ) whom I met at the candle party and they were very cool people. I got so hammered!!!!!!!! I drank so much I couldn't walk and then proceeded to have a mental break down in the bathroom. So we left and I was crying about my son being at his fathers and it was all so weird to me and blurry come to think of it.......Somehow I was driving (don't ask why) My hubby was more drunk than me not good combo cuz i was screaming and crying about my son... somehow we made it to Vancouver and infront of my sons fathers house at 230 am....
And I made Tim go to the door and he was told to get off the property or he would call the cops UGHHHH! I felt so bad for my hubby. But then he called and asked what was going on and I told him " I am 31 years old and I am have a mental moment."
ok so anyway this story could go on and on and I don't want to talk about it anymore.
So we wind up in La Center (gambling town) We got there about 3 am and I was still hammered and we played blackjack for about 3 hours spending 70 bucks and winning 500!! so it was a goodo idea going up there.
Ok home at 630 am and I was still so drunk I couldn't sleep =(
All day Sunday I was stressing because I was tired and hung over! I had to go to Lion King at 630. So we got ready for the play and believe me the day went really fast and I was not wanting to go because of the hangover. So we get to the play after parking 16 blocks away =( And OMG it was the best play I have ever seen, I had goose bumps and tears from the start. Even though I almost fell asleep, I saw most of it and it was fabulous and no I didnt almost fall asleep cuz it was bad, because I had no sleep yet..........ok I cant type anymore.


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